How Crochet a Daisy Blanket

How Crochet a Daisy Blanket

We all love daisies. Why not to try and make a lovely daisy blanket. For this purpose I am about to share with you two tutorials or should I say two parts of the one unique tutorial in which you are going to receive a complete knowledge in order to crochet yourself this beautiful project.

We all love daisies. Why not to try and make a lovely daisy blanket. For this purpose I am about to share with you two tutorials or should I say two parts of the one unique tutorial in which you are going to receive a complete knowledge in order to crochet yourself this beautiful project.

In this first tutorial you are going to learn how to crochet the daisy itself. In the second one you are going to learn to put it in the magnificent square you can see on the photo. After all settled and done all you are going to do is a bit of seaming of the squares and the job is done.

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