Monkey Finds Tiny Kitten And Cuddles Him Like It’s Her Own Baby (Video Inside)

Monkey Finds Tiny Kitten And Cuddles Him Like It’s Her Own Baby (Video Inside)

What a heartwarming video and such sweet precious little animals, the monkey to love this kitten as its own .All animals have feelings of love and kindness for each other and humans as they are Gods precious gifts of love to us all. But someone should still feed this little kitten and monkey as they cant feed themselves as I would give them fresh food and water.

Look at Ko no the gorilla she was given a kitten and she became immediately maternal toward it sriven sign language its name lipstick she cared for lipstick until she passed away it was very heartbroken by the fact that her baby has died apes and monkeys are our closest Cousins we shouldn’t be surprised by any depth of emotion or action that they are able to Express.

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